Episode Download Logic

BeyondPod offers 2 different approaches for downloading podcast episodes.

You can select the desired approach in the "Episode Downloads" dropdown of the Feed Settings. Select the feed from the Feeds drawer, use Menu > Edit Feed and tap the "Edit" (pen) button to the right of "Episode Downloads".

Download Newest Episodes - This algorithm is designed to always give you the latest available episodes (useful for News type feeds where you always want the latest news). When using "Download Latest Episodes", BeyondPod first looks at the list of all available episodes, and then takes the most recent (newest) 3 episodes (this number can be configured for each feed in "Get XX episodes" in the feed settings). Out of the 3 it checks if any has been previously downloaded, ignores it, and downloads the remaining episodes. Before any episode is downloaded, BeyondPod will also check and delete any "old" episodes for that feed. You can set rules for which episodes are considered "old" using the Episode Cleanup settings in the properties of that feed. "Stream Latest Episodes" uses the same logic except instead of downloading the episodes it creates a "stream-able" versions of each episode (e.g. episode is downloaded as it is being played).

Download Episodes In-Order - This algorithm is optimized for feeds with episodes that are designed to be listened in order (for example audio books or lectures). When a feed is set to "Download Episodes in Order", it will start with the OLDEST available episodes and download the first (oldest) 3 (this number can be configured in "Get XX episodes" in the feed properties). As you listen (and delete) any of the downloaded episodes, you "make room" for the next episodes to be downloaded. (For example if initially Lecture 1, 2 and 3 were downloaded,  you first have to delete Lecture 1 to "make room" for Lecture 4 to be downloaded during the next update). "Stream Newest Episodes" uses the same logic except instead of downloading the episodes it creates a "stream-able" versions of each episode.

As podcasts are downloaded, they are added to the "download history" (marked as "Downloaded") so they are not downloaded again even if they are deleted.

Podcast cleanup settings (which old episodes to delete to make room for new ones) can be set globally for all feeds (in BeyondPod Settings > General Settings>Feed Defaults ) or specified for each feed individually in the feed properties.